This yearbook provides scholarly insights into the past and future development of Hong Kong visual arts. Volume 1 includes seven essays and a list of books, catalogues, periodicals, thesis and newspaper articles published in the year 2005.
Xiang gang shi jue yi shu nian jian (1)
Chinese - Traditional, 
Man and Nature as Models: The Landscapes of Peng Ximing - CHAN Pui Pedith, 陳蓓
From the Traditional to the Modern: Thoughts on Calligraphy in Hong Kong Art Biennials - MOK Karleung Harold, 莫家良
Biennale... Triennial... and a New Word for 'Artist' - Frank VIGNERON, 韋一空
An Overview of Early Hong Kong Seal Carvers - TONG Kamtang Vincent, 唐錦騰
From the Renaming of the American Craft Museum to the Development of Contemporary Hong Kong Ceramics in the Context of Art and Craft - WAN Lai Kuen Annie, 尹麗娟
Hong Kong Contemporary Art in the 'Public' Context of Public Art - Lesley LAU, 劉鳳霞
Chinese Art and Local Art Education - MA Kwai Shun, 馬桂順
Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2005 (1), 香港視覺藝術年鑑2005 (1)

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