'This publication records in oral history format the biographies and interviews with 28 artists, curators and art administrators active between 1980 and 2014. It preserves the question and answer format annotated with only explanations and fact-checks, amending and reflecting the reliability of the existing Hong Kong art history literature with the interactions between the interviewer and the interviewees. Interviewees from various post in the art circle are thus allowed to retell their witness accounts of the past and share their unique views on the Hong Kong art development.' —translated from the text on back cover
Yu xiang gang yi shu dui hua 1980-2014
Rosamond BROWN, 白朗露, 
Aser BUT, 畢子融, 
CHAN Chung Shu, 陳中樞, 
Michael CHEN, 陳贊雲, 
CHOI Yan Chi, 蔡仞姿, 
CHOW Chun Fai, 周俊輝, 
HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基, 
HO Siu Kee, 何兆基, 
KAN Tai Keung, 靳埭強, 
LAI Minghoi Victor, 黎明海, 
LAM Laam Jaffa, 林嵐, 
LEUNG Mee Ping, 梁美萍, 
LEUNG Po Shan Anthony, 梁寶山, 
LI Wei Han Rosanna, 李慧嫻, 
LIANG Yee Woo Evelyna, 梁以瑚, 
Ellen PAU, 鮑藹倫, 
WONG Shun Kit, 王純杰, 
WONG Wo Bik, 王禾璧, 
CHEN Tat Man Darwin, 陳達文, 
Benny CHIA, 謝俊興, 
FAN Wan Jen Anthea, 樊婉貞, 
Joseph FUNG, 馮漢紀, 
Christine LOH, 陸恭蕙, 
MAN Kit Wah Eva, 文潔華, 
Michelle VOSPER, 
Chinese - Traditional
cultural studies,  oral history,  Hong Kong
interview documentation
序一: 為建構香港文化身份提供新探索 - KAO Mayching, 高美慶
序二: 回憶那些周日的水墨課 - MAN Kit Wah Eva, 文潔華
前言: 與香港藝術對話: 從頭說起 - LAI Minghoi Victor, 黎明海, TAO Winghong Vincent, 陶穎康
文潔華 - MAN Kit Wah Eva, 文潔華
王禾璧 - WONG Wo Bik, 王禾璧
王純杰 - WONG Shun Kit, 王純杰
白朗露 - Rosamond BROWN, 白朗露
何兆基 - HO Siu Kee, 何兆基
何慶基 - HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基
李慧嫻 - LI Wei Han Rosanna, 李慧嫻
梁寶山 周俊輝 - LEUNG Po Shan Anthony, 梁寶山, CHOW Chun Fai, 周俊輝
林嵐 - LAM Laam Jaffa, 林嵐
梁以瑚 - LIANG Yee Woo Evelyna, 梁以瑚
梁美萍 - LEUNG Mee Ping, 梁美萍
畢子融 - Aser BUT, 畢子融
陳中樞 - CHAN Chung Shu, 陳中樞
陳達文 - CHEN Tat Man Darwin, 陳達文
陳贊雲 - Michael CHEN, 陳贊雲
陸恭蕙 - LOH Christine, 陸恭蕙, Christine LOH, 陸恭蕙
華敏臻 - Michelle VOSPER
馮漢紀 - Joseph FUNG, 馮漢紀
黃啟裕 - WONG Kai Yu Blues, 黃啟裕
楊秀卓 - YEUNG Sau Churk Ricky, 楊秀卓
靳埭強 - KAN Tai Keung, 靳埭強
樊婉貞 - FAN Wan Jen Anthea, 樊婉貞
蔡仞姿 - CHOI Yan Chi, 蔡仞姿
黎明海 - LAI Minghoi Victor, 黎明海
鮑藹倫 - Ellen PAU, 鮑藹倫
謝俊興 - Benny CHIA, 謝俊興
嚴惠蕙 - YIM Waiwai Florence, 嚴惠蕙
In Conversation with Hong Kong Art 1980-2014, 與香港藝術對話 1980-2014

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