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Chinese - Traditional
screening,  video art
Videotage Spring Sale, 錄影太奇大割價
Lim Por Yen Film Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong | 香港藝術中心林百欣電影院
AU Su, 
Bobo LEE, 李筱怡, 
CHAN Kwong Wah, 陳廣華, 
CHEUNG Sze Man Lisa, 張思敏, 
Ellen PAU, 鮑藹倫, 
FAN Yukman, 范煜汶, 
Jamsen LAW, 羅琛堡, 
KUM Chi Keung, 甘志強, 
LAU Lily Leelee, 劉莉莉, 
LAU Shinghon, 劉成漢, 
LEUNG Olive Chingman, 梁菁雯, 
LO Yin Shan, 盧燕珊, 
Miranda JULY, 
Philip YEUNG, 楊紀英, 
PUN Tak Shu, 潘德恕, 
Steve CHEUNG, 張偉強, 
TANG Sikay, 鄧晰奇, 
WONG Chi Wai John, 黃志偉, 
Younghae Chang Heavy Industries, 장영혜 중공업
Hong Kong Arts Centre, 香港藝術中心 (Hong Kong)
Videotage, 錄映太奇 (Hong Kong)
Cinelink 06: Videotage Spring Sale, 搜畫:錄像太奇大割價
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