This publication is the report of the International Symposium 2008 'Count Before You Say Asia' organized by the Japan Foundation, held on 22 and 23 November 2008. The event, the 6th edition of the international symposia focusing on Asian art, invited art historians, curators and critics to review the last twenty years of development in Asian art and its discourse.

Presentations in each of the three sessions are followed by discussions as well as comments on the presentations by a curator/critic. Biographies of panelists included.
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Chapter headings

Session 1: The Formation, Reception, and Transformation of Asian Art in the Context of Postmodernism

Presentation 1: Asian Contemporary Art in Japan and the Ghost of Modernity - Kenji KAJIYA, 加治屋健司

Presentation 2: The Curatorial Turn in Southeast Asia and the Afterlife of the Modern - Patrick D. FLORES

Presentation 3: Chinese Contemporary Art: In Between the Global and the Local - FAN Dian, 范迪安

Session 2: Blindness and Insight of Postmodernism: Case Studies

Presentation 1: At the Crossroads of Cultural Clash: In the Case of Suh Do Ho - KIM Boggi

Presentation 2: Huang Yong Ping and the Agitation of the West and the East - Yukihiro HIRAYOSHI, 平芳幸浩

Presentation 3: Becoming India: The 'Locality' of Subodh Gupta - Tadashi KANAI, 金井直

Session 3: Liquidation of 'Asian-ness'? The Specter of Locality

Presentation 1: Locating Authenticity: Is this Asian Dress? Hybridity and Postcolonial Identity in the Philippines - Florina H. CAPISTRANO-BAKER

Presentation 2: An Inquiry into the 'Modern' Through Drawing: Nara Yoshitomo, Empathy, and Localization - Kenjiro HOSAKA, 保坂健二朗

Presentation 3: The Politics of the 'Decorative' - Masayuki TANAKA, 田中正之

Bringing the Afterimage into Focus - Michio HAYASHI, 林道郎

International Symposium 2008: Count 10 Before You Say Asia: Asian Art after Postmodernism (Report)
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International Symposium 2008: Count 10 Before You Say Asia: Asian Art after Postmodernism (Report)