The 1960s and 70s were an important era for photobooks as a mode of expression in Japan. Photographs were shown in printed book format instead of as individual photographic print which is a common practice today. The photobook has been central to the development of Japanese photography, particularly in its postwar phase. In this publication, 40 photobooks from the 1960s and 70s were selected to introduce a previously invisible history. Each book is accompanied by an in-depth explanatory text, and information such as names of editors, publishers and art directors.
Nobuyoshi ARAKI, 荒木経惟, 
Ken DOMON, 土門拳, 
Masahisa FUKASE, 深瀬昌久, 
Shigeo GOCHO, 牛腸茂雄, 
Graphic Shudan, グラフィック集団, 
Hiroshi HAMAYA, 濱谷浩, 
Eiko HOSOE, 細江英公, 
Tetsuya ICHIMURA, 一村哲也, 
Kenji ISHIGURO, 石黒健治, 
Yasuhiro ISHIMOTO, 石元泰博, 
Miyako ISHIUCHI, 石内都, 
Kenji KANESAKA, 金坂健二, 
Kikuji KAWADA, 川田喜久治, 
Ihee KIMURA, 木村伊兵衛, 
Keizo KITAJIMA, 北島敬三, 
Ichiro KOJIMA, 小島一郎, 
Kineo KUWABARA, 桑原甲子雄, 
Shisei KUWABARA, 桑原史成, 
Yoichi MIDORIKAWA, 緑川洋一, 
Jun MORINAGA, 森永純, 
Daido MORIYAMA, 森山大道, 
Takuma NAKAHIRA, 中平卓馬, 
Ikko NARAHARA, 奈良原一高, 
Yasuzo NOJIMA, 野島康三, 
Hajime SAWATARI, 沢渡朔, 
Kishin SHINOYAMA, 篠山紀信, 
Teiko SHIOTANI, 塩谷定好, 
Issei SUDA, 須田一政, 
Yasushi SUGINO, 杉野安, 
Kiyoshi SUZUKI, 鈴木清, 
Yutaka TAKANASHI, 高梨豐, 
Shuntaro TANIKAWA, 谷川俊太郎, 
Shomei TOMATSU, 東松照明, 
Hiromi TSUCHIDA, 土田ヒロミ, 
Hitoshi TSUKIJI, 築地仁, 
Kanendo WATANABE, 渡辺兼人, 
Katsumi WATANABE, 渡辺克巳, 
Ryuichi KANEKO, 
Lesley A. MARTIN, 
photography,  art history,  Japan
Introduction - Ryuichi KANEKO
The Japanese Photobook: Toward an Immediate Media - Ivan VARTANIAN
Photography in Print: An Interview with Daido Moriyama
Japanese Photobooks of the 1960s and '70s, 日本寫真集史60-70年代

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