'This box gathers books, zines, posters, and leaflets co-authored between 2016-2021. The box asks, "What is our relationship to land in Hong Kong? How can land be nurtured for future generations (for everything living)?" Here is an invitation for discussions and collective storytelling — in parallel to climate action and environmental justice. What futures can we imagine together?'— Description excerpted from the publication.
Titles of various publications in this box set include:
Event Posters and zines:
Wang Chau Jackfruit Festival on 23 July 2017
Wang Chau Green on 17 December 2017
Publishing (to Find Each Other)
Land 2016-2021
Zadibao Les Battements Du Bocage on 17 January 2019
Fictional story zines:
Little Yoshida Garden
A Purslane Morning | Fictional story on 2 June 2021, Field Notes on 26 May 2021
Survival,1 May 2016
Plastic Beach
Our 3.7 -month Journey
The Keyhole
(F)unfair World
Field Work Zines:
Api Architettura
Cross-Institutional Multispecies Happening 1 by Wanwu Practice Group
Working for the Commons Part 1 and 2
Flowers (Soil and Stones, Souls and Songs) —An Artist Statement
Protect Our Farmland Act 1
Solidarity with Aarey
Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux
Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux: The Art of Resistance
Kai Fong Pai Dong Zine 2
Namaste Matera: Via Alessandro Manzoni
Mango King Zine
European Assembly of Reclaim The Fields 2019
Wang Chau Village: (Non-Indigenous Wisdom, Amidst Eviction)
The Emergence Of the Jackfruit Woman
Collective Notes
Newspaper and Catalogue booklets:
Free Berlin#8 edited by Errant Bodies Press
Breath In The Nature: Land Art Camp Documentary
[en]counters 2018 — HK x Mumbai Art Exchange Project
Chinese - Traditional, 
activist art,  socially engaged art,  geography,  Hong Kong,  literature
2016 – 2021
Land 2016-2021, 土地 2016-2021

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