Published in conjunction with an exhibition by artist-couple RongRong & inri at Chambers Fine Art, New York in 2006. 'The new body of work featured in the exhibition is a meditation on the area (Liu Li Tun) in Beijing where the artists lived before it was demolished and replaced by expensive apartment buildings in 2002[...] In three overlapping groups of photographs, the artists document their short life together in the modest house that they shared for a short but crucial time in their lives. Photographs of details from their daily life complement evocative photographs of social gatherings and art world visitors posing in front of the front door of their house. Finally, dressed in dark clothes and offering bouquets of lilies, they record the process of demolition until all that is left is a pile of rubble.' — excerpt from the press release.

This is a boxed set consisting of three hardcover books with images of works, and a softcover book with essays by Christophe Mao, Ai Weiwei, Wu Hung and curator Zhang Li. Artist biographies are provided.

這是前波畫廊於2006年為榮榮和映里這對藝術家夫婦舉辦的《六里屯》展覽圖錄。據茅為清所述:「…… 這些照片使人感覺到了六里屯的生活所特有的那種充滿了旺盛創造力的你來我往的生活。最後,在『拆遷』系列中,榮榮和映里在他們的居所從眼前消失之前拍下了照片。為城市拆遷而留下來的廢墟拍照是一回事,但是親眼目睹自己的住所被夷為平地則完全是另一回事。他們兩人長髮披肩,身穿黑色外套,手捧百合花束,仿佛前拉斐爾畫派作品中的流亡者,為失去自己的避難所而哀慟不已。」茅為清、艾未未、巫鴻及策展人張黎均為是次展覽撰賜評論,書內亦附有藝術家簡歷。本圖錄有一盒三冊精裝書,收錄的是展品圖像,另附一本平裝書,書內載有前述諸位名家的評述。

Alternative title

Liu li tun: rong rong ying li

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

RongRong & inri's Liu Li Tun - Christophe W. MAO, 茅為清

Who is Liu Li Tun? - ZHANG Li, 張黎

Remembering the Strange Self and Non-self - AI Weiwei, 艾未未

The Liu Li Tun Moment - WU Hung, 巫鴻

Liu Li Tun: RongRong & inri
Rights statement

In Copyright

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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.


Liu Li Tun: RongRong & inri, 六里屯:榮榮,映里


Rongrong & inri, Three Shadows, Beijing, 2006. No.2-1, 2006, Gelatin silver print, Edition of 8, 132 x 132 cm. Images courtesy of the artists and Blindspot Gallery
談攝影:Christopher Phillips 與榮榮映里對話

談攝影:Christopher Phillips 與榮榮映里對話

2011年9月10日 (星期六)