Anthology published in conjunction with The South Project, a 10-year research project that fostered collaborations and discussions surrounding the concept of 'the South', between people from different parts of the region. With contribution from artists, critics, academics and culture professionals, the book reflects upon four key themes, 'Navigating South', 'Crafting South, Living North', 'Whose South Where?', and 'Translating South'.
Documentation from key events and gatherings organised by The South Project since 2004 is also weaved in the publication.
cultural studies,  Global South,  geopolitics,  mapping
Mapping South: Journeys, Arrivals and Gatherings | Mapping South: Perjalanan, Kedatangan dan Pertemuan | Mapping South: Viajes, Arribos y Encuentros
Gathering 1: Melbourne, Australia, 2004
Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane, Beyond Mythification: Constituting a Southern Identity
Navigating South
The Static Journey: A Stationary Canoe Navigates the Desert Sands | El Viaje Inmovil: Una Canoa Navega las Arenas del Desierto
What is the South? | Que es el Sur?
Upside Down at the Top of the World: Which Way is South? | Al Reves en la Cima del Mundo: Hacia donde esta el Sur?
A Glossary of Illegality
Terra Australis Incognita Milimetro a Milimetro y Camouflaje
Gathering 2: Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, 2005
Languaging the Local in the Global: Across the Pacific and Beneath Southern Skies | 'Lenguajizar' lo Local en lo Global: Sobre el Pacifico y Bajo los Cielos del Sur
Crafting South, Living South
Design: a South-South Conversation | Fuafuaina: Talanoaga Saute ma Saute
Engaging Children as Cultural Citizens: Reflections on the ArtPlay and South Kids Partnership | Involucrando a los Ninos como Ciudadanos Culturales: Reflexiones sobre la Asociacion entre ArtPlay y South Kids
The Cook Map Sampler: A Woman's Embroidered Response to Her Husband's Voyage of Discovery | El Dechado del Mapa de Cook: La Respuesta Bordada de une Viuda a las Travesias de su Esposo
Engaging Through Collections: Exploring South-South Discourses between Objects, People and Places in a Museum Collection | Dialog Melalui Koleksi Museum: Menjelahaji Wacana Selatan-Selatan antara obyek, orang-orang dan tempat-tempat di dalam koleksi museu
The Landscape Writes and Re-Writes Itself
Gathering 3: Santiago, Chile, 2006
La Frontera: Defining 'Norte y Sur' in the Americas
America Invertida
Gathering 4: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2007
Johannesburg: a South-South Imbizo Johnnesburgo: Un Imbizo Sur-Sur
Whose South Where?
Nuestro Sitio: Artistas de America del Sur | Our Site: South American Artists
Four Souths | Cuatro Sures
Selatan: Transformation of Urban Cultural Imagery from Melawai to Tebet | Selatan: Transformasi Perbandingan Kebudayaan Urban dari Melarai ke Tebet
Ring of Fire
Weeds of the City
Darwin's Thistles: a Cautionary Tale | Los Cardos de Darwin: Un Cuento con Moraleja
El Auster
Gathering 5: Melbourne, Australia, 2008
Zona de Encuentro | Encounter Zone
Translating South
Interrogating the South | Interrogando al Sur
Constructed landscapes of Identity | Camberra e Brasilia: Paisagens Identitarias Construidas
Inventario de una Monumentalidad Fatigada
The Princess and the Prince
Kaitua o te moana: Transient Workers of the Water | Huinga Moana
Selatangents | Selatangents
Gathering 6: Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2009
The Agency for Collective Action | Agen aksi bersama
Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations

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