'One of the dilemmas that national museums face in the age of globalization is that while they have been established with the original purpose of representing a nation’s identity, they are also riddled with the task of examining the nature of such a role. The museum continues to operate within the framework of national and/or local identities, but the fact that there is a conspicuous move to attempt an alternative narrative—one that differs from the critical practices regarding the system or institution—under the name of contemporary art is also very true. In the face of this paradox, the journal selected the following questions connected to the special theme of this issue on transnationalism: How does transnationalism manifest itself within artistic practices? Is a new interpretation of art history that crosses national borders possible? Is a transnationalistic, or global curating, a possibility?' - extracted from publisher's website

Includes contributor's biographies.

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Chapter headings

Contemporary Art Studies—Special: The Transnational Museum

Developing a Transnational Art History: The Methodologies of Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia 1960s–1990s

- Katsuo SUZUKI, 鈴木勝雄

Should Museums in Boston, Beirut, and Bangkok All Look Alike? Reflections on the Global Museum Assemblage

- Peggy LEVITT

Not Aligned: Fragments from a Global History

- Atreyee GUPTA

Can the Biennale of Global South Be a New International of Tricontinental Art Practices?

- SEO Dongjin, 서동진

Exercises in Imagination: Historical Research as a Continuing Experiment


Cosmopolitanism and Decolonialism in Contemporary Korean Art

- Eunhee YANG, 양은희

Museum Studies

How Can National Museums of Contemporary Art in Asia Transcend Nationalism? A Few Questions about the Exhibition Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia 1960s–1990s

- AHN Sohyun, 안소현

The Museuological Significance of Opening a Hidden Area: MCCA Cheongju's New Possibilities and Tasks

- LEE Youngjoo

On the Incredible Strangeness of the Museum

- Anton VIDOKLE, KIM Soohwan, 김수환

MMCA Studies 2019: The Transnational Museum
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MMCA Studies 2019: The Transnational Museum, 국립현대미술관 연구: 초국가적 미술관