This book attempts to define what the term 'modern' has meant in Korean art, exploring its evolution over roughly a hundred years, between the opening of Korean ports to outside trade in 1876 down through 1980s. During this period Korean artists witnessed tremendous changes in the nation: the collapse of the Joseon Dynasty, Japanese colonization, national liberation, the founding of two Koreas divided by opposing political ideologies in the North and the South, political democratization, and the creation of a popular culture.
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Chapter headings

I. Dawn of the Moder Age: 1876-1910s

1. The Legendary Painter Jang Seung-eop

2. Pragmatism

3. The Legacy of Court Painting

4. The Last Literati Painters: The legacy of Kim Jeong-hui

5. Personal Dialogues with Shanghai

6. Popularization and New Technology

7. Western Visitors

8. Trade Painting

9. Dawn of the Modern Age: Summary

II. The Modern Art Era in Korea: 1920s-1940s

1. The Beginnings of Modern Art Theory

2. The Institutionalization of Dongyanghwa and the Joseon Fine Arts Exhibition

3. Studying Abroad

4. Natioanlism: 1930s

5. Retreat from Reality: 1940s

III. Perpetuation of Nationalism: 1950s-1980s

1. Decolonization and Indigenization: 1950s

2. Experimentation with Modernistic Forms: 1960s

3. Celebrating the Past: 1970s

4. Confrontation of Sumuk Abstractionism and Local Color: 1980s

Modern Korean Ink Painting
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Modern Korean Ink Painting