''Hong Kong Art: Open Dialogue' presents a series of thematic exhibitions launched by The Hong Kong Museum of Art in 2008. Put together by invited guest curators, the exhibitions aim to explore Hong Kong art from different angles and to provoke a dialogue between Hong Kong artists and the community as well as among local and overseas artists. The present publication features essays by past curators of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, a pictorial account of the history of the Museum, and an introduction of the four upcoming curated exhibitions.
Chinese - Traditional, 
Back in Time - John WARNER
Hong Kong Museum of Art and Me - Wucius WONG, 王無邪
Museum of Art is An Educational Institute - TAM Chi Shing Laurence, 譚志成
Scattered Memories: A Museum Story - Christina CHU, 朱錦鸞
Five Partial Recollections of Hong Kong Museum of Art 1989-1993 - CHIU Simon, 趙錦誠
Historial Review of Hong Kong Msueum of Art (Research: Jennifer Chu, Wong Puiyee)
Hong Kong Museum of Art: On the Crossroads of Curatorship - TANG Hoichiu, 鄧海超
Between Past and Future - TAM Meiyee Eve, 譚美兒
Museum Murmurs - CHO Mimi
About the 'Open Dialogue' Exhibition Series
Open Dialogue: A Launching Publication for the 'Hong Kong Art: Open Dialogue' Exhibition Series 2008-09, 開放對話: 香港藝術: 開放.對話展覽系列2008-09特刊

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