Catalogue of joint exhibition held at Shanghai MoCA in 2007. 'Reversing Horizons alludes to the remapping of what one previously considered to be the geopolitical as well as conceptual boundaries of Hong Kong as a result of the Handover. The return to the motherland has instigated an exploration into the identity of Hong Kong and its place on the world stage. Local artists have since been confronted with new onslaughts of inspiration, with which they shall reconcile by indulging in the same creative energies as their mainland counterparts. This exhibition shall symbolize the nation's very first effort at presenting a comprehensive purview of contemporary art in Hong Kong.' - Samuel Kung, Chairman and Director of Shanghai MoCA. Please note that the ifva (Hong Kong Short Film and Video Awards) is also invited to curate a short programme of twenty works for the exhibition.
Chinese - Simplified, 
identity,  border,  survey exhibition,  group exhibition,  Hong Kong
Non-North, Non-East, Non-South, Non-West, I am here now - GAO Shiming, 高士明
Art In Camouflage - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
香港是國際大都市嗎? (in Chinese only) - LEE Oufan Leo, 李歐梵
再思香港精神 (in Chinese only) - Edward LAM, 林奕華
'Local Action' and the Contemporary of Art in Post-Post 97 Hong Kong - LAU Kin Wah Jaspar, 劉建華
Sirens for Hong Kong - Alice Mingwai JIM, 詹明慧
Collateral Commemoration or 1 Square Meter = Decennial - Norman Jackson FORD, 傅德明
Reversing Horizons: Artists Reflections of The Hong Kong Handover 10th Anniversary, 地軸轉移: 香港藝術家對香港回歸十週年的回想
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