Interview with Kwok Mangho / Frog King by Leung Chiwo Warren

At the beginning of the interview, Artist Kwok Mangho, also known as Frog King, recalls some anecdotes from childhood (00:00 –13:14), and talks about his high school art teacher Kan Maytin and Chinese ink wash painting teacher Zhou Yifeng, as well as entering all kinds of competitions. However, he has not been a conventional painter since childhood, and preferred mixing different colours and materials in his art (13:14–27:55). After he graduated from high school, Kwok unsuccessfully applied to the Department of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, so he enrolled in the Graham College of Education instead. In 1967, his first solo exhibition was held, in which he used objects he randomly found on the streets as materials for his art (27:55–35:07). Frog King also remembers being inspired by the photos of Christo’s installation in a magazine during his teenage years. As a result, along with Choi Kaiyan and Wu Manwai, a joint exhibition was held at the Hong Kong Arts Centre (35:07–48:40). In the last part of the recorded interview, Frog King shares his teaching experiences, including how to teach students about conceptual art, in hopes that they will be able to incubate their own ideas. He also talks about his series of 'Frog' works that were created after the 1970s, and the mantra of 'life is works', which he proposed (48:40–1:01:59).


藝術家郭孟浩在訪問開首描述一些兒時軼事 (00:00-13:14),又提及中學時期曾得靳微天任教美術科,也曾跟從周一峰學習國畫和參與各類繪畫比賽,但自小不愛循規蹈矩學畫畫的他,比較喜歡以混合不同顏色和物料的方式進行創作 (13:14-27:55)。中學畢業後,郭氏投考香港中文大學藝術系不成,轉而就讀葛量洪教育學院。1967年首辦個展,在街上隨處撿拾雜物作為創作材料 (27:55-35:07)。郭氏亦憶述少年時期從雜誌上看到 Christo 的裝置作品照片後深受啟發,後來跟蔡啟仁和胡文偉等人在香港藝術中心舉辦聯展 (35:07-48:40)。在訪問末段,郭氏分享一些他的教學經驗,講述自己如何向學生傳授概念藝術,希望他們更自由發揮自己的意念,並談及在 1970 年後開始創作「青蛙」作品,提出「生活即作品」的標語 (48:40-1:01:59)。

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Interview with Kwok Mang Ho Frog King, 5 June 1998 (Part 1), 訪問郭孟浩,一九九八年六月五日(第一部份)