The present publication features papers presented in the 3rd Chengdu Biennale Symposium held at the Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum in 2007. Also included are selected articles from the 1st and 2nd Biennale Symposium.
Chinese - Simplified,
The Third Chengdu Biennale Curatorial Statement: Reboot
Foreword - DENG Hong, 鄧鴻
The Problem of Guohua - FENG Bin, 馮斌
Modernity, Modern Transformation, and 'Self-Awareness' - an Introduction to the Project 'The Road of Chinese Modern Art' - PAN Gongkai, 潘公凱
Provincial Thinking - Some Issues in the Current Ecology of Art in China - ZHANG Yingchuan, 張穎川
The Anxiety of Cultural Identity - Literati Painting, Chinese Painting, and Ink Painting in the Discourse of Westernization - ZOU Yuejin, 鄒躍進
Ink Painting and Post-Ink Painting - LU Fusheng, 盧輔聖
An Overview of Contemporary Ink Art - LU Hong, 魯虹
'To Write' and 'To Paint' - Their Conceptual Presentation in Contemporary Chinese Painting - NIU Kecheng, 牛克誠
Be Careful of Images of the 'Chinaman' - Gan XU
Forward to the Past: How Traditional Aesthetics Are Infiltrating Contemporary Art - Francesca DAL LAGO
The Practice of Ink and Its Dilemma in the Contemporary Art World - SHEN Kuiyi, 沈揆一
The Aesthetic of Xing (Contingency) - The only Chinese aesthetic that can confront the Western Aesthetics of Simulation - LO Ch'ing, 羅青
National Identity and Art Form: Contemplation of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art - Anyi PAN, 潘安儀
Primordiality and Other Essentialisms: Modernists and their Media in the Chinese Diaspora - Peter STURMAN
Reordering the Landscape: Li Huayi, Zhang Hong, and Twentieth Century Chinese Painting - Julia F. ANDREWS, 安雅蘭
Mixing Water and Oil: Understanding Shi Mo in the Contemporary Global Art Market - Katharine P. BURNETT
Innovations in Space and Painting, Philisophy: Paintings by Zheng Chongbin and Qiu Shihua - Britta ERICKSON, 林似竹
In Service of the Everyday Life - Pauline J. YAO, 姚嘉善
'Introspection' and 'Extrospection' - Ink Art As an Expanded Open Platform - LU Huan, 盧緩
The Anxiety of Ink: Odyssey of Shuimohua Painters in the Chinese Modern and Post-Modern Art World - LEE Huishu, 李慧漱
Selected Articles from the Second Chengdu Biennale Symposium
The Second Chengdu Biennale Curatorial Statement
Foreword of the Second Chengdu Biennale - FAN Dian, 范迪安
How do we talk about Vulgarity and Satire? - WANG Lin, 王林
Mass Culture and Chinese Avant-Garde Art - YI Ying, 易英
Liberalism and its dilemma in Chinese Contemporary Art - HUANG Zhuan, 黃專
Post-Materialism: Interpretation of 'Everyday Life' by Contemporary Chinese Artists - HUANG Du, 黃篤
A Low and Shallow Game: The Rising of a Cartoon Generation - ZHU Qi, 朱其
Preface for the Special Exhbiition of Emerging Artists - FENG Bin, 馮斌
In the Eyes of Emerging Artists - YIN Shuangxi, 殷雙喜
Selected Articles from the First Chengdu Biennale Symposium
My Views ont he Chengdu Biennale - LIU Xiaochun, 劉驍純
The Survival of Models (Yangban) - The conceptual plan and reality of the First Chengdu Biennale - GU Zhenqing, 顧振清
Mofan (Model) and Yangban (Model) - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Easel Art, Value, and Possibilities - GU Chengfeng, 顧丞峰
Is '9.11' a Performance Art? - Some Thoughts on the Chengdu Biennale - Monica DEMATTE
The easel paintings that were led by non-easel painting - On the Chengdu Biennale - JIA Fangzhou, 賈方舟
Perspectives on 'Easel Art' - SUN Zhenhua, 孫振華
The first Chengdu Biennale - Preparation for a Real Biennale - HSU Manray, 徐文瑞
The awkwardness of Chinese art theorists - ZHANG Yingchuan, 張穎川
On the Chengdu Biennale - Akira KURIYAMA, 栗山明
Controversial but Spectacular - 'Chengdu Biennale': a new stage to introduce Chinese contemporary art to the world - YANG Yingshi, 楊應時
Urban Biennale: A Twenty-First Century Seasonal Wind of Art - SUN Xiaoning, 孫小寧
The International Symposium in conjunction with Reboot: The Third Chengdu Biennale, 重新啟動: 第三屆成都雙年展 國際學術研究會論文集暨第一,二屆成都雙年展論文選

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