The first three issues of Art Studies reviewed and investigated the conditions for art in Asia since the 1960s through the viewpoints of researchers, curators, artists, and cultural administrators, paying special attention to Southeast Asia. Shifting the focus to the current art scene, this fourth issue takes the form of a 'curators' book'. It is a collection of reports by the curators who participated in 'Condition Report', a collaborative art project developed by young curators from Southeast Asia and Japan from late 2015 to 2017. It assembles the participants' reflections at the close of the project while also serving to examine the ever-changing socio-cultural and artistic contexts and conditions for curatorial activities in the region.

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Chapter headings

Condition Report: Shifting Perspectives in Asia —a Curators' Book - Beverly YONG, Yasuko FURUICHI, 古市保子

What is Southeast Asia?

The Construction of Collaborative Space and Its Possibilities 2000–2017: From "Under Construction" to "Condition Report" - Yasuko FURUICHI, 古市保子

Toward Reciprocity and Change - CHE Kyongfa, 최경화

Shifting Practices

The Provisionality of Southeast Asia: The Value of Shifting Practices - Shihoko IIDA, 飯田志保子

Curating, Collectives, and Conversation - Ade DARMAWAN

Unseen Connections: Collective Art Practice and Public Space in Southeast Asia and Japan - Hiroyuki HATTORI, 服部浩之

Curating Histories of Cultural Activism: What Are We Trying to Change? - Lisa C. ITO

Negotiating National Contexts

Changes and Uncertainties in Contemporary Myanmar Art  - Aung Myat Htay

Laos in Motion - Souliya PHOUMIVONG

Institutions, Communication, and Discourse

Communicating with People Behind the Black Mirror - Vittavin LEELAVANACHAI

Learning with Citizens - Kazuhiko YOSHIZAKI, 吉崎和彥

Fixing a Broken Paper Boat: On Art Museums and Museum Curators in Indonesia - Bayu Genia KRISHBIE

Indonesian Curators Do Not Engage in Enough Debate - Bayu Genia KRISHBIE

Learning, Relationships, and Responsibility

Phases of Curatorial Passage - Patrick D. FLORES

The Game-maker, the Player, and Levelling the Playing Field - HOO Fanchon, 符芳俊

Friend First, Colleague Second! A Reflection on the Issue of Trust in Curatorial Practice - LE Thuan Uyen

Letting Go of Doubts: My Views on Transnational Curation - Fumiko NAKAMURA, 中村史子

Curatorial Circuit: Getting Past the Confusion - Ayos PURWOAJI

The Earth From The Air: Curating as Diplomatic Work  - Alice SARMIENTO

Giving Shape to Painful Things - GOH Sze Ying

Afterword - Yasuko FURUICHI, 古市保子

Appendix: Collaborative Curatorial Projects by the Japan Foundation

The Japan Foundation Asia Center Art Studies 04: Condition Report: Shifting Perspectives in Asia
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The Japan Foundation Asia Center Art Studies 04: Condition Report: Shifting Perspectives in Asia - Curators' Book




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