Following a three-year research project 'Origins of Gouache Painting in Taiwan During the Period of Japanese Rule', an exhibition entitled 'The Origins of Toyoga in Taiwan' was held at Taipei Fine Arts Museum from June to August 2000. The present catalogue is published to accompany the exhibition which brings together for the first time over 100 works of the Taiwanese Toyoga genre by 36 Taiwanese and Japanese artists from the period of Japanese occupation in Taiwan. The works are divided into three sections according to the location of the artists' activity - Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan. Study sketches and related works of the artists are also exhibited.
Please note that apart from the Preface, all essays are written in Chinese language only.
tai wan dong yuan hua tan yuan
Chinese - Traditional, 
Toyoga,  Taiwan,  group exhibition
Reflection of 'Local Color' in Toyoga as Seen in the Taiwan Fine Arts | 台展時期東洋畫的地方色彩 - YEN Chuanying, 顏娟英
A Discussion of Taiwanese Toyoga in the Period of Japanese Rule | 日據時期台灣東洋發展的探究 - LEE Jinfa, 李進發
Gobara koto and Kinoshita Seigai | 鄉原古統與木下靜涯 - LIAO Chinyuan, 廖瑾瑗
Lu Tieh-chou and the Development of Taiwanese Art | 呂鐵州與台灣美術發展的關係 - LAI Mingzhu, 賴明珠
The Exquisite Charm of Brush Strokes in Taiwanese Toyoga in the Period of Japanese Rule | 日據時期台灣東洋畫的筆線意趣 - HUANG Tungfu, 黃冬富
The Origins of Toyoga in Taiwan, 台灣東洋畫探源

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