'"Thinking About Exhibitions" presents a multi-disciplinary anthology of writings on current exhibition practice by curators, critics, artists, sociologists and historians from North America, Europe and Australia. It marks out the emergence of new discourses surrounding the exhibition and illustrates the urgency of the debates centred in and fostered by exhibitions today. The essays investigate exhibitions in settings outside of the traditional gallery as well as innovative work in extending cultural debates within the museum. Texts have been grouped in sections which focus on the history of the exhibition, forms of staging and spectacle, and questions of curatorship, spectatorship and narrative.' (Back cover, 'Thinking About Exhibitions')

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Chapter headings

The Future of History

The Museum and the 'Ahistorical' Exhibition: the Latest Gimmick by the Arbiters of Taste, or an Important Cultural Phenomenon? - Debora J. MEIJERS

Brokering Identities: Art Curators and the Politics of Cultural Representation - Mari Carmen RAMIREZ

Large Exhibitions: a Sketch of a Typology - Jean-Marc POINSOT

For Example, DOCUMENTA, or, How is Art History Produced? - Walter GRASSKAMP

Staging Spectators

The Exhibitionary Complex - Tony BENNETT

The Museum Flat - Johanne LAMOUREUX

Naming Names: the Art of Memory and the NAMES Project AIDS Quilt - Peter S. HAWKINS

Grammatic Acts

Les Immatériaux - Jean-Francois LYOTARD

Exhibition Rhetorics: Material Speech and Utter Sense - Bruce W. FERGUSON

Creating Spaces - Gerald MCMASTER

The Discourse of the Museum - Mieke BAL

Curators or Caterers

The Great Curatorial Dim-Out - Lawrence ALLOWAY

From Museum Curator to Exhibition Auteur: Inventing a Singular Position - Natalie HEINICH, Michael POLLAK

Constructing the Spectacle of Culture in Museums - Ivan KARP, Fred WILSON

The Show You Love to Hate: a Psychology of the Mega-Exhibition - John MILLER

Free Fall - Freeze Frame: Africa, Exhibitions, Artists - Clementine DELISS

Spatial Play

The One-Picture Gallery - Valery Petrovich SAZONOV

Dissenting Spaces - Judith BARRY

Function of Architecture: Notes on Work in Connection with the Places Where it is Installed Taken between 1967 and 1975, Some of Which are Specially Summarized Here - Daniel BUREN, 布倫達尼爾

The Gallery as a Gesture - Brian O'DOHERTY

Postmodernism's Museum without Walls - Rosalind KRAUSS

The Exhibited Redistributed: a Case for Reassessing Space - Reesa GREENBERG

The Exhibition Condition

A Visual Machine: Art Installation and Its Modern Archetypes - Germano CELANT

The Institutionalization of Dissent - Sandy NAIRNE

Modernism, Nationalsim and Beyond: a Critical History of Exhibitions of First Nations Art - Diana NEMIROFF

In and Out of Place - Andrea FRASER

What's Important about the History of Modern Art Exhibitions? - Martha WARD

Thinking About Exhibitions
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Thinking About Exhibitions