This timely volume challenges the narrow Western-centrism of most art historical models. Archaeologists have found that, for tens of thousands of years, all human cultures have shared a desire for visual representation or expression. Yet the study of art history has traditionally focused on Western artworks of the past few centuries. World Art Studies examines the phenomenon of art through a broader cultural, global, and temporal perspective, bringing together a uniquely exhaustive range of perspectives on art and borrowing approaches from the study of neuroscience, evolutionary biology, anthropology and geography as models — alongside more conventional art historical perspectives. In musicology or linguistics, using such diverse viewpoints for reflection and research is considered part of the normal process. In that spirit, this volume goes beyond abstract models, using case studies to demonstrate and examine specific methods of investigation. Includes bibliography and index.
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Chapter headings

Prelude: Keeping the World Together - Ben-Ami SCHARFSTEIN

Introducing World Art Studies - Wilfried VAN DAMME

I Historiography: Envisioning Global Approaches in the Study of Art

Origins and Principles of World Art History: 1900 (and 2000) - Ulrich PFISTERER

The Many Beginnings and the One End of World Art History in Germany, 1900-1933 - Marlite HALBERTSMA

Can We Invent a World Art Studies? - James ELKINS

World Art Studies and the Historiography of Chinese Art - CAO Yiqiang, 曹意強

The Discourse on Contemporary Art and the Globalization of the Art System - Kitty ZIJLMANS

II Disciplines Meeting: Multiple Perspectives on the Study of Art

Art and the Academic Disciplines

The Geography of Art: Historiography, Issues, and Perspectives - Thomas DaCosta KAUFMANN

Green Art Studies and the Local Subconscious - Elisabeth DE BIEVRE

Art, Aesthetics, and Cultural Anthropology: Retrospect and Prospect - Richard L. ANDERSON

Envisioning Art Worlds: New Directions in the Anthropology of Art - Paula D. GIRSHICK

III The Arts and Our Shared Humanity: The Bioevolutionary Basis of Art-Making and Perception

The Arts After Darwin: Does Art Have an Origin and Adaptive Function? - Ellen DISSANAYAKE

Neuroarthistory: Making More Sense of Art - John ONIANS

IV Comparative Approaches: Differences and Commonalities

Intercultural Comparison and Art

Constructed Identities: Portraiture in World Art - Jean M. BORGATTI

Portraiture and Social Stratification - Donald E. BROWN

The Common Humanity Evident in European, African, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Aesthetic Theory - Ben-Ami SCHARFSTEIN

V Encounters: Intercultural Exchanges

Interculturalization in Art: Conceptualizing Processes and Products

Primitivism: The Primordium Lost and Found and Reinvented - Colin RHODES

Modernities in Art: How Are They 'Other'? - John CLARK, 姜苦樂

World Art Studies: Exploring Concepts and Approaches
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World Art Studies: Exploring Concepts and Approaches