This is the catalogue for Yuan Jai’s solo exhibition held in Taiwan in 1993. The body of work presented here includes paintings of landscapes in traditional Chinese ink-and-brush techniques and in styles showing influence from modern Western art movements, in particular that of abstract art. The use of strong colours in these paintings is a distinctive feature in the art of Yuan Jai, one which endows her paintings with a character of their own. This publication includes a preface by the artist.
本圖錄展示了袁旃於1993年在台灣舉辦個展的作品。這批作品以傳統中國筆墨繪成的山水畫居多,畫風帶有西方現代藝術 (尤其是抽象派) 的影響。這些山水畫以袁旃特有的濃墨重彩繪成,這種表現形式為其作品樹立了獨樹一幟的個人風格。本圖錄的序言由袁旃親自執筆。
Chinese - Traditional
ink painting,  landscape,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
Yuan Jai 1993, 袁旃 1993

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