藝術家如何以身體作行動?如何保存行為藝術?將講求即場臨時的行為藝術收歸歷史又豈何容易?世界各地及亞洲的文獻專家及研究員,如著名的美國 Franklin Furnace Archive 創辦人及總監 Martha Wilson、英國 Live Art Archives的 Paul Clarke、印尼視藝文獻庫行政總監 Farah Wardani、研究中國行為藝術的湯偉峰、學者及行為藝術家 Ray Langenbach 及亞洲藝術文獻庫項目研究員魂游,將與致力推動亞洲行為藝術發展的日本國際行為藝術節NIPAF創辦人霜田誠二,及多位來自亞洲地區的參演藝術家暨藝術節 搞手聚首一堂,從研究、檔存及實踐中探討亞洲行為藝術何去何從。兩天圓桌交流 將由專門研究行為藝術的藝術史家 Debra Wacks 及既是策展人亦曾參與世界各地多個行為藝術節及展覽的高小蘭主持。
This is a round-table seminar on 'The Challenge of Archiving Performance Art' held on 21 October 2010. The speakers for this session are Ray Langenbach and wen yau, with Debra Wacks as the moderator.
Asia Art Archive and the Centre for Community Cultural Development co-present a five-day symposium to consider the practice of performance art in Asia.
Performance art or the production of ‘live art’ by artists has become a vital element in the flourishing contemporary art scene in Asia. Festivals celebrating performance art proliferate in Asian cities and provide significant platforms for interaction, activism, and creative development. In addition to questions concerning the presentation, contextualization, and reception of performance art, there are many issues surrounding the documentation of this ephemeral art form. Over the course of a few days in October 2010, internationally respected performance artists, archivists, and researchers gathered in Hong Kong to critically discuss the challenges associated with performance work. The aim is not only to provide better resources and a deeper understanding of performance art in the region, but also to further encourage its cultivation.
Experts from around the world come together to exchange ideas concerning the practice and preservation of performance art. Special attention is given to topics such as the festival as a platform for performance art, challenges faced by artists in the region, technical complexities of documentation, and the philosophical dilemmas of archiving/historicizing art creations that are inherently impermanent.