China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案
Communication with Exhibition Partners 與各展覽合作方溝通

1 文件
Agreement between Wolfger Poehlmann and Andreas Schmid, Regarding the "China Avantgarde" Project Team's Work Schedule
1 Feb 1993
1 文件
Andreas Schmid's Calculation of Working Hours at the House of World Cultures, 30 December 1993
30 Dec 1993
1 文件
Andreas Schmid's Notes on China Avantgarde Project Team Meeting on 2 October, and 25 November 1992

1 文件
Andreas Schmid's Notes on Conversation with Götz Lembeg on 30 September and 2 October 1992

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Application for Business Trip Permit Submitted by Andreas Schmid to the House of World Cultures

1 文件
Conversation between Wolfger Poehlmann and Andreas Schmid on Friday, 8 January 1993 in the House of World Cultures
Gesprächsprotokoll zwischen Wolfger Poehlmann und Andreas Schmid vom Freitag, den 8.1.1993 im Haus der Kulturen der Welt
1 文件
14 Aug 1992
Conversation with Mr. Wolfgang Patzig, Managing Director of the Kulturfonds Foundation, on August 7, 1992 in Wiepersdorf
Gespräch mit Herrn Wolfgang Patzig, Geschäftsführer der Stiftung Kulturfonds, am 7.8.1992 in Wiepersdorf14 Aug 1992

1 文件