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News from Around the World

Neues Aus Aller Welt
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News on China-Rocker in Berlin, Erfurt and Dresden, 6 February 1992

6 Feb 1992
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China Rock Festival, February 1992

Feb 1992
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Avantgarde from China

Avantgardistisches aus dem Reich der Mitte
27 Nov 1992
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China Avantgarde is Coming to Berlin

Chinas Avantgarde kommt nach Berlin
27 Nov 1992
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Chinese Art Scene in Berlin

Kunstszene Chinas in Berlin
28 Nov 1992
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Chinese Art in House of the Cultures of the World

China-Kunst im Haus der Kulturen
16 Dec 1992
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Look on the Latest Chinese art

Schau über neueste chinesische Kunst
17 Dec 1992
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Chinese Art in Berlin

Chinesische Kunst in Berlin
18 Dec 1992
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China Today

China Heute
22 Dec 1992
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Unknown China

Unbekanntes China
22 Dec 1992
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Funny Art from China

Witzige Kunst aus dem Land der Mitte
30 Dec 1992
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China Avantgarde Exhibits in Berlin

Chinas Avantgarde stellt in Berlin aus
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China Avantgarde — Exhibition and Programmes

China-Avantgarde — Ausstellung und Beiprogramm
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News on China Avantgarde, 1992

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Hopes and Illusions in the Far East

Hoffnungen und Illusioned im Fernen Osten
20 Jan 1993
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Kongresshalle: Chinese Cinema Dreams

Kongreßhalle: Chinesische Kino-Träume
20 Jan 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 20 January 1993

20 Jan 1993
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Art Tip: China Avantgarde

Kunst-Tip: China Avantgarde
21 Jan 1993
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Chinese Films in Tiergarten

China-Filme im Tiergarten
21 Jan 1993