This book is a compilation of thirty critical essays, including interview documentation related to He Sen, published in order to facilitate the research on He's artistic practices.

He Sen shows his consciousness in politics through art. In his paintings, he explores the relationship between body and the spirit, which is sometimes near and sometimes far in different periods. Through the objective expression in art, He maintains a distance between himself and the world. As a painter, He is aware of the particularity of images in Chinese art history, thus escapes from the habit of political association and reflection of ideology through direct communication with the ancients.

Includes He Sen's chronology and biography, and a complemented booklet of the English translated text.




Alternative title

Gan zhi de li shi: he sen yi shu wen xian ji

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Simplified, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type


artist monograph

Chapter headings

序言一 - LV Peng, 呂澎

序言二—內視:介乎觀看與反觀看之間 - OUYANG Jianghe, 歐陽江河

《何森畫展》序 - WANG Lin, 王林

藝術家工作室報告之何森 - HUANG Zhuan, 黃專

觀念性、曖昧性與架上油畫的語言邊界 - YANG Xiaoyan, 楊小彥

我的工作就是用藝術的方式了解別人和認識自己—何森訪談錄 - LIU Chun, 劉淳

生於1989—何森20世紀90年代藝術探微 - HUANG Liaoyuan, 黃燎原

何森:眩暈於異性空間 - JIA Fangzhou, 賈方舟

女性肖像?社會投影?﹗ - COMBS Nicky

與何森對話 - ZHU Qi, 朱其

表象和虛無:一種後意識形態時期的青春主題—何森作品解讀 - ZHU Qi, 朱其

頂樓觀畫記—與何森對話 - HE Duoling, 何多苓

選擇與逃避—何森的作品 - Eleonora BATTISTON

如影隨形 - PI Li, 皮力

灰色的短劇—何森的版畫 - Shigeo CHIBA, 千葉成夫

在表象之外:憂思與不安 - Dirk STEIMANN, 迪克施泰因曼

痕迹的繪畫 - QIU Zhijie, 邱志傑

原本與摹本:關於何森的摹本手迹 - FENG Boyi, 馮博一

此時彼刻:何時?—何森新繪畫 - HUANG Liaoyuan, 黃燎原

現實與圖像—與何森的訪談 - HE Guiyan, 何桂彥

完美時刻與雙重靈魂 - Eleonora BATTISTON

何森訪談 - GAO Ling, 高嶺

叛逆與繼承 - Hilarie M. SHEETS, 希拉里茜茲

東游記 - Eleonora BATTISTON

回到繪畫本身—與何森對話 - YU Shicun, 余世存

可見與可知的脫離—何森的'視覺態度' - HANG Chunxiao, 杭春曉

我讀何森 - YU Shicun, 余世存

一個畫家看到的世界—何森工作室探微 - GRIMMER Alexandra, 亞歷山大格林姆

對古人和自身的雙向審視—何森的“複製'傳統 - DU Xiyun, 杜曦雲

回歸與超越—何森繪畫藝術歷程的淺析 - LI Guohua, 李國華

感傷與問題的象徵—關於何森的繪畫藝術 - LV Peng, 呂澎

願東言西的徘徊 - HE Sen, 何森

History of Perception: Collected Discourse on the Art of He Sen
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History of Perception: Collected Discourse on the Art of He Sen, 感知的歷史:何森藝術文獻集