'Touch is the mark of truth, the most intimate gesture and the greatest commitment. To touch or to be touched is the performance of truth, when incredulity is displaced and the world condenses into a moment of all-enveloping realisation, changing everything.

Touch arrives unexpectedly, locating our most intimate moments in space and time through every sense - emotionally and consciously. To live by these moments where strength and vulnerability conjoin in their terror and beauty is a commitment - a commitment to oneself and to the world that is both personal and political.

Touched - the book traverses topical issues that surrounded and informed the making and experience of the 6th Liverpool Biennial; from fidgeting to the unnamable image of war, to religion and sacrilege, the endurance of Marx and the acceleration of the infosphere. [...] The book also includes the works of over 60 artists who participated in the 'Touched' exhibition, photographed by Thierry Bal and Liz Lock & Mishka Henner.' (back cover)

This publication accompanies the 6th Liverpool Biennial held from September to November 2010. With essays and contributions by multiple authors. Includes bibliographies and brief contributor biographies.

Note: Non-Asian participating artists are not included in the following artist list.
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Chapter headings

Introduction to 'Touched' - Lewis BIGGS

Art and Ideas. The Flesh - Paul DOMELA

'Touched' Talks

A Philosophy of Fidgets - Steven CONNOR

Sacrilege - Alphonso LINGIS

!Women Art Revolution - Lynn Hershman Leeson in Conversation with Alison Rowley

Defiant Abjection - Coco FUSCO

The Eighth Day - Tony CHAKAR

Touched by Wonder: Art and Religion in the 21st Century - Ziauddin SARDAR

Art and Therapy in the Process of Social Autonomization - Frances LOEFFLER

Making an Urban Majority in Uncertain Times: Reflections from Jakarta - Abdoumaliq SIMONE

Bodies Beyond Work - Nina POWER

Is Utopianism Dead? - Simon CRITCHLEY

The Exhibition

A Protest for Thinking, Talking and Reading: Alfredo Jaar's The Marx Lounge - Frances LOEFFLER

Cátedra Arte de Conducta/Tania Bruguera/Allan Kaprow - Tania Bruguera interviewed by Lorenzo Fusi - Lorenzo FUSI

Bark Boat and Paper Mountain - Mark WAUGH

Liverpool Biennial: Touched
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Liverpool Biennial: Touched