'In 2021, Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) agreed to dissolve the association and publish four books. The title of each volume corresponds to a letter in the TACA acronym. Providing an overview of the organisation's projects and evolutions over the past decade, each volume has its own editorial concept and methodology. One can track the metamorphosis of our ideas and institutional practices throughout three phases in the four books: from 2010 to 2014; from 2015 to 2017; 2018 to 2020, as well as the chronology of the "Conclusion" over the past decade.

This book is the first out of four under the title of TCAC, which covers the documentation of the early years when TCAC was founded, and the programs from 2010 to 2014 as well. For the period from 2010 to 2012, this book compiles primarily historical documents such as press releases, exhibition reviews, manifestos, etc. to paint a picture of the creative/cultural atmosphere of that time, and includes several series of major TCAC projects. The articles that link the two periods discuss the shifts in the organisation and operation of TCAC, and how the modification of spatial design reflects changes in artistic production between the two periods. This book further reviews the 2013–2014 project plan and analysis, a conversation between operating team members, and the introduction of TCAC's series of "Socially Engaged Art TAlks".'—excerpt from Foreword

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Chapter headings

<TCAC 1.0 2010–2012>

Starting Point / 起始點

Manifesto / 宣言

Negotiating a Space / 協商空間

The Founding of an Association / 協會成立

Opening / 開幕

Fundraising Exhibition / 募款展覽

TCAC at 3331

Friday Bar / 星期五酒吧

Young Artists Salon / 青年藝術家沙龍

Forum Biennial / 論壇雙年展

Curating in Time / 及時策展

Taipei Flat Arts Museum / 美術館是平的

Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan / 海市蜃樓—台灣公共閒置設施抽樣踏查

Trading Futures / 未來事件交易所

2010–2012 Program Contributors and Collaborating Institutions / 2010–2012 計畫參與者與合作機構

<2010–2012, 2013–2014>

Redefining Space, Economy, and Community, TCAC 2.0 / 再家義:空間,經濟與社群—TCAC 2.0

- CHENG Meiya, 鄭美雅

Volunteers and Nonstop Parties. Whose TCAC? / 義工・不停歇的派對,誰的TCAC?

- CHEN Hsiaotsa, 陳小雜

Visualization of Content, Needs, and Attitude: On Taipei Contemporary Art Center's Space / 內涵,需求與態度的視覺化:論台北當代藝術中心之空間設計

- Jun YANG, 楊俊

What Can We Do Together Documenting the "Socially Engaged Art" Lecture Series Organised in 2014 / 「讓我們一起倣些什麼」:記2014年策劃的《社會參與藝術系列演講》

- LU Peiyi, 呂佩怡

Right and Wrong? The Future that We Predicted that Year (Conversation: Meiya Cheng, Franki Su, Yu Cheng Ta, Fang Yen Hsiang) / 對或錯?那一年我們預測的未來 (對談:鄭美雅,蘇珀琪,余政達,方彥翔)

<TCAC 2.0 2013–2014>

Reopening / 重新開張

TCAC Edition / 限定版藝術品

Parkett / 帕克特

Curating Now and Institutions Forum / 策展與機構論壇

Open Curatorial Workshop / 開放策展工作坊

The Great Ephemeral / 偉大的一瞬

Europe n / 歐洲n次方

Burning Issue / 關鍵議題

Volunteer's Day / 藝工專屬日

Sunflower Movement / 太陽花運動

Art Talks, Presentations, and Exhibitions / 開放提案

2013–2014 Program Contributors and Collaborating Institutions / 2013–2014 計畫參與者與合作機構

Taipei Contemporary Art Center 2010–2012, 2013–2014—10 Years of TCAC, Volume 1 of 4
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Taipei Contemporary Art Center 2010–2012, 2013–2014—10 Years of TCAC, Volume 1 of 4, 台北當代藝術中心 2010–2012, 2013–2014—TCAC 十週年紀念專刊四之一