'This book is a retrospective publication of the work of a distinguished artist collective, the Institute of People Oriented Culture of Taring Padi (widely known as TP), which was founded at the end of 1998. Their collective body of work is divided here into thirteen socially engaged themes, ranging from anti-militarism, corruption, anti-neoliberalism, and workers and peasants' movements, to women's liberation and environmental issues, with an accompanying text anchoring each theme. Through these thematic categories and introductory texts, this book documents the reactions of radical artists like the founders of Taring Padi to the social and political changes in Indonesia since the Reformasi (the reformation era) began in 1998. Continuing unabated to the present, these reactions have taken the form of collective works of art that are progressive, inclusive and militant.' —from the Introduction by Alexander Supartono
Includes images of artwork, photographic documentation and musical scores. Author biographies are provided.
Bahasa Indonesian, 
activist art,  printmaking,  drawing,  painting,  comics,  community art,  street art,  Indonesia
artist monograph
Introduction - Alexander SUPARTONO
Taring Padi: Not for the Sake of a Fine Arts Discourse - Dolorosa SINAGA
Half-Man-Half-Dog Iconography: Antimilitarism Campaign in the Artworks of Taring Padi - Kiswondo
An Immortal Idea - Martin ALEIDA
The Production of Taring Padi's Responses toward Horizontal Conflicts - Kiswondo
Taring Padi/Ideology Has a Gender: The Representation of Women in the Artworks of Taring Padi - Wulan DIRGANTORO
Workers United, Will Never Be Defeated - Yayat YATMAKA
Rejecting Ndoro Londo's Return, or Globalization - Bambang Agung
God Loves a Corrupter - Rheinhard SIRAIT
Omah Buku Taring Padi and Other Educational Activities - Emilia JAVANICA
Taring Padi's Music as a Tool for Generating Awareness - Jeffar Lumban Gaol
Agrarian Reform as the Primary Demand of the Indonesian Farmer's Movement - Erpan FARYADI
The Human Condition in Environmental Issues - Marco KUSUMAWIJAYA
Growing Global Cultural Networks - Alexandra CROSBY
Taring Padi: Art Smashing Tyranny, Taring Padi: Seni Membongkar Tirani

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