The author has personally interviewed many prominent calligraphers to focus on twenty-five individuals who have been key figures in this process and exemplify its main trends, from the grand tradition to the avant-garde.' (front sleeve)
Chinese transcriptions of calligraphy and bibliography are provided.
CHEN Yi, 陳毅, 
DENG Sanmu, 鄧散木, 
GU Gan, 古幹, 
GUO Moruo, 郭沫若, 
HAN Yu, 韓羽, 
HUANG Miaozi, 黃苗子, 
LI Luogong, 李駱公, 
LIN Sanzhi, 林散之, 
LIU Zengfu, 柳曾符, 
MAO Zedong, 毛澤東, 
PU Lieping, 濮列平, 
QI Gong, 啟功, 
SA Benjie, 
SHA Menghai, 沙孟海, 
SHEN Yinmo, 沈尹默, 
WANG Dongling, 王冬齡, 
WANG Nanming, 王南溟, 
WANG Shixiang, 王世襄, 
WEI Ligang, 魏立剛, 
YANG Xianyi, 楊憲益, 
YE Gongchao, 葉恭绰, 
ZHANG Dawo, 張大我, 
ZHANG Qiang, b. 1962, 張強, 
ZHANG Sen, 張森, 
calligraphy,  China
The Great Debate
The Changing World
The Grand Tradition
Breaking the Mould
The Classicists
The Modernists
The Neo-Classicists
The Avant-Garde
The Brushmarks of Friendship
The Art of Calligraphy in Modern China

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