This book comprises a selection of texts by international artists, critics, and curators. It aims to analyze the relationship between centers and peripheries in contemporary art worlds. In the context of advanced globalization, the distributed agency of networked power structures can no longer be localized in geographical terms; but if we turn our attention away from such horizontal relations, we can conceive of the central and peripheral as vertical phenomena that can coexist spatially in the shapes of social constructions, genealogies, or epistemic formations.

Turning Inward is a compilation of critical reflections upon contemporary art from multiple dimensions, regarding the modes of production, distribution, and consumption. the positions reach far beyond the spatial metaphor and touch on various fields such as art history, philosophy, economics, gender studies, urbanism, language, and education.
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Chapter headings

Prologue - Lou CANTOR

Preface - Clemens JAHN

Peripheral Vision, Multipolar Disorders - Dieter ROELSTRAETE

American Exuberance: Empire State - John MILLER

Image Explosion - David JOSELIT

Interview with David Joselit - Lou CANTOR, Clemens JAHN

The Outskirts of the Internet: How to Measure the Success of Museums' Online Publishing Initiatives - Orit GAT

In Grenzen Frei: If There Is No Longer an Outside, Masochism Is the New Lover From Afar - Matteo PASQUINELLI

Over & Over & Over & Over - John BEESON

Light Formalizations of the Social: The Case of Times et al. - Philipp EKARDT

The Inside Is Outside, the Before Is After: Exercises in Imagination - Marta DZIEWANSKA

The Off-Modern Condition - Svetlana BOYM

The Subject of Curating: Notes on the Path Towards a Cultural Clinic of the Present - Felix ENSSLIN

The Paradox of Focus: On the Curatorial Practice of Joanna Warsza - William KHERBEK

What Philosophy Does to the Mind (Knowledge, History and the Mind) - Reza NEGARESTANI

Turning Inward
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Turning Inward