Wei Dong sees himself as a witness to China's relentless search for modernisation in the past two decades. Hundred of Western style buildings have been built in the ancient city of Beijing. It is thus not difficult to see why the dichotomy, the ancient and the modern, becomes a prominent feature in his works. In most of the paintings presented in this catalogue of Wei Dong’s first one-man show in Hong Kong, phantasmagorical figures wildly garbed and accessorized, are placed in landscapes painted in the manner of old masters such as Shen Zhou. The size of these figures is completely incompatible with traditional Chinese painting composition. Through his novel artistic language, Wei Dong searches for new relationships between his art, history and reality. Artist’s biography is included.

魏東曾說過,他見證了中國過去20年內努力實現現代化的過程。在此期間,西式建築在古老的京城內如雨後春笋般拔地而起。從這個角度來看,魏東作品的一大特色 —— 今昔的永恒對立 —— 便顯得順理成章。本圖錄展示的是魏東首次香港個展的作品, 畫中主角多是魅影般的人物,他們濃妝艷抺、衣香鬓影,置身於如沈周山水畫般的背景中。這些人物的大小與中國傳統繪畫的構圖格格不入。魏東以創新的藝術手法,努力地在藝術、歷史和現實之間搭橋建路。本圖錄亦載有藝術家的簡歷。
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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Wei Dong: The Invasion of the Past - Don COHN

Wei Dong's Illusory Vision: A Metaphorical Declaration - HUANG Du, 黃篤

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Wei Dong: Ancient stage and modern players, 魏東: 舊舞台新人類