在亞洲藝術文獻庫的館藏中,有關中國當代藝術的資料佔了一個相當重要的部份。本指南旨在讓使用者更輕易瀏覽這批豐富的實物及數碼資料,以中國大陸的當代藝術為主題,為學生及有興趣研究這個課題的人士,羅列了一份精心挑選的館藏推介。 至於有關香港的資料,請參考「香港主題館藏推介」。為了提供多種切入點,本指南共分為五個欄目:「發展階段」、「藝術評論及訪談」、「媒介」、「特選期刊」及「原始文獻」。
「發展階段」又再細分為若干歷史時期。第一個階段始於1949年新中國成立,以1976年文化大革命結束至1979年為終點。第二個階段是二十世紀八十年代,當時中國 開始推行經濟改革,西方思想亦通過藝術書籍、文學和哲學等途徑湧入,社會上普遍彌漫着對知識的渴求和知性辯論的氣氛。八十年代實驗藝術的發展里程碑包 括1979及1980年的《星星美展》和「85美術新潮」,以及1989年在北京的中國美術館舉行的《中國現代藝術展》。憑着多年的努力,文獻庫現存迄今規模最龐大、最有系統的八十年代中國藝術文獻紀錄和研究材料,包含超過100段訪問錄像及數以千計的掃描圖片及文檔。只要登入文獻庫的專設網站 www.china1980s.org,即可了解相關藏品的詳情。有關重要藝評人、策展人、藝術教師及藝術家的個人檔案,如鄭勝天、費大為、戴漢志、呂澎、張培力、吳山專等,請瀏覽文獻庫網站的「特別館藏」(Special Collections)。
第三個階段以八十年代末為起點,當時中國的社會正經歷急劇的轉變,經濟議題亦變得日趨重要。1989年6月4日發生的天安門事件,則變相加速了這些轉變,更預示着一個經濟快速增長和資本主義消費文化至上的新時代即將來臨。以1993年的《後89中國新藝術展》為例,其圖錄概括地介紹了九十年代初最為矚目的藝術思潮,如政治波普、玩世現實主義等,以及對個人關注和不安情緒的探討。1993年的其他重要分水嶺展覽包括《中國先驅藝術》(柏林)、《亞太三年展》(澳洲)等,中國當代藝術家亦首次參展《威尼斯雙年展》。自該年開始,中國實驗藝術在海外大型展覽亮相的機會日漸頻繁,如1998年的《Inside Out: New Chinese Art》。可是,相比於中國實驗藝術在北美洲和歐洲備受關注,當時中國本土的實驗藝術展卻常於自助式場地、藝術村如圓明園藝術村和北京東村展出,或在私人宅邸內舉行,故高名潞稱之為「公寓藝術」。行為藝術創作亦在九十年代開始日漸普及。當時最具前鋒性的展覽包括《後感性,異形與妄想》(吳美純、邱志杰策展,2000年)及《超市》(徐震、楊振忠策展,2000年)等,當中以《不合作方式》(2000年)最為人矚目。
千禧年代有兩大藝術趨勢:中國當代藝術在國內外的合法性和曝光率大為提高,藝術市場亦快速蓬勃起來。前者的例證有: 由政府資助的大型雙年展相繼在上海和廣州出現,國外亦有國家資助的展覽如2003年蓬皮杜藝術中心舉辦的《Alors, la Chine?》,《威尼斯雙年展》中國館等(2003年因沙士疫情而暫停項目,於2005年正式舉辦)。另一個重要里程碑則是紐約蘇富比於2006年3月舉辦的首場亞洲當代藝術專拍。自該場拍賣會後,中國當代藝術作品的市場價格旋即飆升,進一步肯定一批中年藝術家 (以畫家居多) 的創作成果。中國國內其他重要發展包括大型知名當代展覽空間的成立,包括北京798藝術區(區內有尤倫斯當代藝術中心及其他大型畫廊)、今日美術館(北京)、民生現代美術館(上海)、上海當代藝術博物館等,以及不少大規模的私人博物館,如余德耀美術館(上海)、龍美術館(上海)等。
本指南的最後一欄目旨在介紹原始文獻。這方面的重要發展成果包括由巫鴻編輯、2010年紐約現代藝術博物館出版的《Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents》,以及亞洲藝術文獻庫進行中的網上紀錄項目「未來的材料記錄」。亞洲藝術文獻庫深信原始文獻對將來研究人員的重要性,因此致力繼續建立及擴增其藏品,包括實物及數碼館藏。大部分相關的數碼資料可於文獻庫網站的「特別館藏」(Special Collections)列表中搜尋,並可於網上或於文獻庫圖書館內瀏覽,有部分則在進行版權處理,稍後會陸續開放予公眾參閱。
作為入門導讀,本指南羅列的資料雖種類繁多 (如展覽圖錄、參考書籍、期刊、影音資料,以及數以千計的掃描文獻及圖片等),但它僅代表了文獻庫館藏的一少部份。除了上文所述,文獻庫的館藏還包括個人專集、傳單、邀請卡、信札、剪報、幻燈片及其他雜項收藏。如欲索閱上述及其他館藏,請向文獻庫圖書館職員查詢詳情。
Andrews, Julia F., Shen Kuiyi, et al., A Century in Crisis: Modernity and Tradition in the Art of Twentieth-Century China, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, 1998 [English] EXL.USA.CCM
DeBevoise, Jane, Between State and Market: Chinese Contemporary Art in the Post-Mao Era, Brill, Leiden, 2014 [English] REF.DEJ2
Gladston, Paul, Contemporary Chinese Art: A Critical History, Reaktion Books, London, 2014 [English] REF.GLP
Lu Peng, A History of Art in 20th-Century China, Somogy editions d'art , Paris, 2013 [English] REF.LUP
Sullivan, Michael, Art and Artists of Twentieth Century China, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1996 [English] REFL.SUM
Vine, Richard, New China New Art, Prestel Publishing, New York, 2011 [English] REF.VIR
Wu Hung, Contemporary Chinese Art: A History 1970s–2000s, Thames and Hudson, London, 2014 [English] REF.WUH
Andrews, Julia F., Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1994 [English] REF.ANJ
Chiu, Melissa, Zheng Shengtian, et al., Art and China's Revolution, Asia Society, New York, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2008 [English] EXL.USA.AAC
King, Richard, ed. Art in Turmoil: The Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966–76, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2010 [English] REF.KIR4
Wang Mingxian, Yan Shanchun, The Art History of the People's Republic of China: 1966–1976, Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe, Beijing, 2000 [Simplified Chinese] 王明賢、嚴善錞,《新中國美術圖史 1966-1976》,中國青年出版社,北京,2000。[簡體中文] REF.WMX
Watson, Scott, Zheng Shengtian, Art of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: 1966–1976, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, 2002 [English] EX.CAN.AGP
Fei Dawei, ed. '85 New Wave: The Birth of Chinese Contemporary Art, Century Publishing Group, Shanghai, 2007 [Simplified Chinese] 費大為編,《'85新潮:中國第一次當代藝術運動》,世紀出版集團,上海,2007。[簡體中文] EXL.CHN.ENW
Gao Minglu, ed. The '85 Movement (vol 1, 2), Guangxi Normal University Press, Guilin, 2008 [Simplified Chinese] 高名潞編,《'85美術運動 (卷一,二) 》,廣西師範大學出版社,桂林,2008。[簡體中文] REF.GML
Hanart 2 Ltd., The Stars: 10 Years, Texts by Chang Tsongzung, et al., Hanart 2 Ltd., Hong Kong, 1989 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《星星十年》,張頌仁等撰文,漢雅軒2,香港,1989。[繁體中文及英文] EX.HGK.STY
Koeppel–Yang, Martina, Semiotic Warfare: The Chinese Avant-Garde, 1979–1989. A Semiotic Analysis, Timezone 8, Hong Kong, 2003 [English] REF.YKM
Lebold Cohen, Joan, The New Chinese Painting: 1949–1986, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1987 [English] REF.COJ
Lu Peng, Yi Dan, A History of China Modern Art 1979–1989, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, Changsha, 1992 [Simplified Chinese] 呂澎、易丹,《中國現代藝術史1979-1989》,湖南美術出版社,長沙,1992。[簡體中文] REF.LUP
Shen Kuiyi, Julia Andrews, eds. Light before Dawn: Unofficial Chinese Art 1974–1985, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, Hong Kong, 2013 [Traditional Chinese & English] EX.HGK.LBD
Doran, Valerie C., ed. China's New Art, Post-1989, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, 2001 [English] EXL.HGK.CNA
Gao Minglu, ed. Inside Out: New Chinese Art, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998 [English] EX.USA.ION
Lu Peng, 90s Art China 1990–1999, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, Changsha, 2000 [Simplified Chinese] 呂澎,《中國當代藝術史1990-1999》,湖南美術出版社,長沙,2000。[簡體中文] REF.LUP
Noth, Jochen, et al., eds. China Avant-garde, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 1993 [English] EX.GER.CAG
Smith, Karen, Nine Lives: The Birth of Avant-Garde Art in New China, Timezone 8, Beijing, 2008 [English] REF.SMK
Wu Hung, ed. The First Guangzhou Triennial – Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990–2000), Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, Art Media Resources, Chicago, 2002 [English] EX.CHN.GZT.2002
Wu Hung, ed. Transcience: Chinese Experimental Art at the End of the Twentieth Century, The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 1999 [English] REF.WUH
Acret, Susan, Claire Hsu, eds. Paris-Pekin, Chinese Century, Paris, 2002 [Traditional Chinese, English & French] EX.FRA.PAP
Fibicher, Bernhard, Matthias Frehner, eds. Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2005 [English] EXL.SWI.MCC(E)
Gao Minglu, The Wall: Reshaping Contemporary Chinese Art, Millennium Art Museum, Beijing, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo, 2005 [Simplified Chinese & English] 高名潞,《牆:中國當代藝術的歷史與邊界》,中華世紀壇藝術館,北京,布法羅美術學院,布法羅,2005。[簡體中文及英文] EXL.CHN.WRC
Lemonnier, Anne, ed. Alors, la Chine? Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2003 [French] EX.FRA.ALC
Qiu Zhijie, et al., eds. Archaeology of the Future: The Second Triennial of Chinese Art, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, Wuhan, 2005 [Simplified Chinese & English] 邱志杰等編,《未來考古學:第二屆中國藝術三年展》,湖北美術出版社,武漢,2005。[簡體中文及英文] EX.CHN.TCA.2005
Sans, Jérôme, ed. Our Future: The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection, Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe, Beijing, 2008 [Simplified Chinese & English] 杰羅姆。桑斯編,《我們的未來:尤倫斯基金會收藏展》,中國青年出版社,北京,2008。[簡體中文及英文] EX.CHN.OUF
Tate Liverpool, The Real Thing: Contemporary Art from China, Texts by Simon Groom, et al., Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, 2007 [English] EX.UNK.RTC
Tucker, Laurer, ed. ON | OFF: China''s Young Artists in Concept and Practice, Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2013 [Simplified Chinese & English] 羅冉編,《ON │ OFF: 中國年輕藝術家的觀念與實踐 》,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,2013。[簡體中文及英文] EXL.CHN.OOC
Xu Bing, ed. The First "CAFAM . Future" Exhibition: Sub-Phenomena: Report on the State of Chinese Young Art Nomination, Guangxi Normal University Press, Guilin, 2012 [Simplified Chinese & English] 徐冰編,《首屆CAFAM未來展:亞現象·中國青年藝術生態報告提名集》, 廣西師範大學出版社,桂林,2012。[簡體中文及英文] EX.CHN.CAF.2012
Catalogues of Shanghai Biennale, 1996–2014 [Simplified Chinese & English] EX.CHN.SHB
Catalogues of Guangzhou Triennial, 2002–2012 [Simplified Chinese & English] EX.CHN.GZT
Catalogues of Chengdu Biennale, 2001–2011 [Simplified Chinese & English] EX.CHN.CDB
Clark, John, ed. Chinese Art at the End of the Millennium: Chinese-art.com 1998–1999, New Art Media, Hong Kong, 2000 [English] REF.CLJ Hou Hanru, On the Mid-Ground, Timezone 8 Ltd., Hong Kong, 2002 [English] REF.HHR
Jia Fangzhou, ed. Era of Criticism: Selected Works of Chinese Art Critics in the End of 20th Century I, II, III, Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, Nanning, 2003 [Simplified Chinese] 賈方舟編,《批評的時代:20世紀末中國美術批評文萃 卷一、二、三》,廣西美術出版社,南寧,2003。[簡體中文] REF.JFZ
Leng Lin, Shiwo (It's me), Zhongguo wenlian chubanshe, Beijing, 2000 [Simplified Chinese] 冷林,是我,中國文聯出版社,北京,2000。[簡體中文] REF.LEL
Li Xianting, Fanpan de zhongliang: zhongyao de bushi yishu (The Power of Rebellion: The Significance Does Not Lie in Art), Artist Publishing, Taipei, 2012 [Traditional Chinese] 栗憲庭,《反叛的重量: 重要的不是藝術》,藝術家出版社,台北,2012。[繁體中文] REF.LXT
Qiu Zhijie, The Scene is Most Important, Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, Beijing, 2003 [Simplified Chinese] 邱志杰,重要的是現場,中國人民大學出版社,北京,2003。[簡體中文] REF.QZJ
Tinari, Philip, Angie Baecker, eds., Hans Ulrich Obrist: The China Interviews, Office for Discourse Engineering, Hong Kong, Beijing, 2009 [English] REF.OHU
Wu Hung, ed. Chinese Art at the Crossroads: Between Past and Future, Between East and West, New Art Media, Hong Kong, 2001 [English] REF.WUH
Wu Hung, Making History: Wu Hung on Contemporary Art, Timezone 8, Hong Kong, 2008 [English] REF.WUH
Kuo, Jason C., Chinese Ink Painting Now, Distributed Art Publishers, Inc., New York, 2010 [English] REF.KCH2
Pi Daojian, Wang Huangsheng, eds. 1st Space for Contemporary Ink Work – China: 20 Years of Ink Experiment, Heilungjiang meishu chubanshe, Harbin, 2001 [Simplified Chinese] 皮道堅、王璜生編,《第一屆當代水墨空間-中國水墨實驗二十年》,黑龍江美術出版社,哈爾濱,2001。[簡體中文] EX.CHN.CTY
Polizzotti, Mark, ed. Ink Art: Past as Present in Contemporary China, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2013 [English] EX.USA.INA
Yu Ren, et al., ed. The Artistic Trend of Modern Chinese Ink and Wash in the Late 20th Century: Modern Ink and Wash Painting Series (vol I, 2, 3), Tianjin yangliuqing huashe, Tianjin, 1993–1997 [Traditional Chinese] 郁人等編,《當代水墨藝術叢書(卷一,二,三): 二十世紀末中國現代水墨藝術走勢》,天津楊柳青畫社,天津,1993-1997。[繁體中文] REF.YUR2
Zhang Yu, ed. Chinese Open and Experimental Ink and Wash Series, Vol. I: Special Volume of Chinese Experimental Ink and Wash Exhibition, The Milky Way Publishing Co., Hong Kong, 2002 [Traditional Chinese & English] 張羽編,《開放的中國實驗水墨 叢書1》,香港銀河出版社,香港,2002。[繁體中文及英文] REF.ZHY
Catalogues of International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, 1998–2010 [Simplified Chinese & English] 深圳國際水墨畫雙年展圖錄, 1998-2010。[簡體中文及英文] EX.CHN.IIPB
Retrospection of Experimental Ink and Wash: 1985–2000, Texts by Pi Daojian, et al., Hunan meishu chubanshe, Changsha, 2005 [Simplified Chinese] 《實驗水墨回顧1985-2000》,皮道堅等撰文,湖南美術出版社,長沙,2005。[簡體中文] EX.CHN.REI
Barrass, Gordon S., The Art of Calligraphy in Modern China, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2002 [English] REF.BAG2
Chang Tsongzung, Robert Lord, Power of the Word, Independent Curators International, New York, 2001 [English] EX.USA.POW
University at Buffalo Art Gallery, Word and Meaning: Six Contemporary Chinese Artists, Texts by Shen Kuiyi, et al., University at Buffalo Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 2000 [English] EX.USA.WMS
Xu Jiang, Wang Dongling, eds. The Act of Writing and of Non-Writing: The Open Space for Chinese Calligraphy – International Exhibition of Modern Calligraphy 2005 Hangzhou China, China Academy of Art Press, Hangzhou, 2005 [Simplified Chinese & English] 許江、王冬齡編,《書。非書-非開放的書法時空:2005中國杭州國際現代書法藝術展作品集》,中國美術學院出版社,杭州,2005。[簡體中文及英文] EX.CHN.AWN
Berghuis, Thomas J., Performance Art in China, Timezone 8, Hong Kong, 2006 [English] REF.BET2
Chan Hou Seng, ed. Inward Gazes: Documents About Chinese Performance Art, Macau Museum of Art, Macau, 2006 [Traditional Chinese, English, Portuguese] 陳浩星編,《以身觀身:中國行為藝術文獻集》,澳門藝術博物館,澳門,2006。[簡體中文,英文及葡文] EXL.MAC.ING
Lu Hong, Sun Zhenhua, China Performance Art, Hebei meishu chubanshe, Shijiazhuang, 2006 [Simplified Chinese] 魯虹、孫振華,《異化的肉身:中國行為藝術》,河北美術出版社,石家庄,2006。[簡體中文] REF.LUH3
Wen Pulin, ed. Action in China: Performance Art from 1980s to 1990s. Beijing Windhorse Mass Medium Co. Ltd, Beijing [Simplified Chinese] 溫普林編,《中國行動:八十年代到九十年代的行為藝術》,北京風馬旗文化傳播有限公司,北京。[簡體中文] REF.WPL
Wen Pulin, Action in China: Performance Art from 1980s to 1990s. Beijing Windhorse Mass Medium Co. Ltd, Beijing. [VCD] 溫普林,《中國行動:八十年代到九十年代的行為藝術》,北京風馬旗文化傳播有限公司,北京。[錄像] CD.000503
Acret, Susan, ed. A Strange Heaven: Contemporary Chinese Photography, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, 2003 [Traditional Chinese & English] 蘇珊。阿克雷特編,《幻影天堂:中華當代攝影集》,亞洲藝術文獻庫,香港,2003。[繁體中文及英文] EX.CZE.SHC
Gu Zheng, Contemporary Chinese Photography, CYPI Press, London, 2011 [English] REF.GUZ
Huangfu Binghui, ed. Compound Eyes: Contemporary Video Art from China, Earl Lu Gallery, La salle-Sia College of the Arts, Singapore, 2001 [Simplified Chinese & English] 皇甫秉惠編,《複眼: 中國錄像藝術》,盧明德藝術館,拉薩爾-新航藝術學院,新加坡,2001。[簡體中文及英文] EXL.SIN.CEC
Roberts, Claire, Photography and China, Reaktion Books, London, 2013 [English] REF.ROC
Wu Hung, Christopher Phillips, et al., Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China, David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Chicago, International Center of Photography, New York, Steidl Publishers, Goettingen, 2004 [English] EX.USA.PFN
Zhu Qi, ed. Chinese Avant-Garde Photography Since 1990, Hunan meishu chubanshe, Changsha, 2004 [Simplified Chinese] 朱其編,1990以來的中國先鋒攝影,湖南美術出版社,長沙,2004。[簡體中文] REF.ZHQ2
Chinese-art.com, 1998–2003 (Print-out copies of online magazine Chinese-art.com) [English] PER.CAC
Jiangsu Huakan, Jiangsu meishu chubanshe, Nanjing, 1977–present [Simplified Chinese] 《江蘇畫刊》, 江蘇美術出版社, 南京, 1977-現在。[簡體中文] PER.JSA
LEAP, Yishujie zazhishe, Hefei, 2010–present [Simplified Chinese & English] PER.ARL
Meishu, Renmin meishu chubanshe, Beijing, 1954–2006 [Simplified Chinese] 《美術》,人民美術出版社,北京,1954-2006。[簡體中文] PER.MES
Meishu Sichao, Hubei meishu zhongxin, Wuhan, 1984–1987 [Simplified Chinese] 《美術思潮》,湖北美術中心,武漢,1984-1987。[簡體中文] PER.MSSC
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Art & Collection Group, Taipei, 2002–present [English] PER.YIS
Zhongguo Meishubao (Fine Arts in China), Zhongguo yishu yanjiuyuan meishu yanjiusuo, Beijing, 1985–1989 [Simplified Chinese] 《中國美術報》,中國藝術研究院美術研究所,北京,1985-1989。[簡體中文] PERL.FAC (Closed Stack)
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Asia Art Archive, digital collection of primary materials: A History of Exhibitions: Shanghai 1979–2006, China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive, Fei Dawei Archive, Francesca Dal Lago Archive, Kong Chang'an Archive, Lu Peng Archive, Mao Xuhui Archive, Hans van Dijk Archive, Wang Youshen Archive, Zhang Peili Archive, Zhang Xiaogang Archive, Zheng Shengtian Archive, physical collection of primary materials: chinese-art.com Archive, Wu Shanzhuan Personal Archive, accessed 16 March 2016 亞洲藝術文獻庫,數碼原始文獻館藏:上海展覽史:1979﹣2006,中國前衛藝術展檔案,茀蘭檔案,費大為檔案,孔長安檔案,呂澎檔案,毛旭輝檔案,戴漢志檔案,王友身檔案,張培力檔案,張曉剛檔案,鄭勝天檔案,實體原始文獻館藏:chinese-art.com檔案,吳山專個人檔案,檢索日期: 2016年3月16日。
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