亞洲藝術文獻庫與印度Inlaks基金會宣佈Sharmistha Saha為2017年至2018年度亞洲藝術文獻庫及Inlaks藝術獎助金得獎者。
該項獎助金由亞洲藝術文獻庫聯同印度Inlaks基金會合作推行,以資助得獎者進行為期一年的研究。獎助金曾於本年6月至7月公開接受申請,其後由評審團選出一份獲獎計劃書。今年的評審團成員包括駐孟買的藝術團體CAMP,來自德里的藝術理論學者及教育工作者Santhosh S.,以及亞洲藝術文獻庫和Inlaks的成員。Sharmistha的得獎研究計劃會於2017年9月1日開始進行。
Sharmistha Saha是駐孟買的劇場工作者暨研究員,曾於德國柏林自由大學和印度新德里的賈瓦哈拉爾‧尼赫魯大學修讀戲劇。Sharmistha曾在丹麥的Odin Teatret劇團與總監Eugenio Barba及其團隊合作,其最新作品《Her Letters》獲德國柏林The Tagore Centre資助。Sharmistha現為印度理工學院孟買分校的人文及社會科學系系員。
Sharmistha’s project titled Act… Now Re-enact! engages with late nineteenth century and early twentieth century archives of Bengali and Marathi theatre. Drawing on ideas and practices that shaped modern theatre, theatre production, and acting techniques, her project will explore how new collective identities were being formed (and performed) in the erstwhile Bengal and Bombay Presidency. Through workshops, rehearsals, and performance scores that Saha will be developing in collaboration with Marathi playwright and scholar Ashutosh Potdar, the project will deploy contemporary theatre and experimental performance to re-imagine and re-situate the archive in the present moment. Act… Now Re-enact! will bring together students, scholars, theatre practitioners, and artists to re-enact archival material, exploring new forms of dramaturgical mediation.
The AAA–Inlaks Art Grant aims to encourage artists and creative practitioners to test new forms of art-making that incorporate research, collaboration, workshops, and formal experiments as a way to examine the technologies and ecosystems of information that shape our times. The grant has been initiated as part of AAA’s ongoing endeavor to support critical approaches and bold thinking around the archive as concept, as medium, and as systems.
Jury for AAA–Inlaks Art Grant 2017–2018
CAMP is a collaborative studio based in Chuim Village, Mumbai, since 2007. Their practice spans video and film, electronic media, and public art forms that show how deep technical experimentation and artistic form can meet. Over the years they have been hosts and co-initiators of public initiatives such as the online open-access archives Pad.ma and Indiancine.ma, and the Mankhurd community space R and R.
Santhosh S. is Assistant Professor, School of Culture and Creative Expressions, Ambedkar University Delhi. His work is in the field of critical historiography of Indian art historical studies and cultural practices in relation to minoritarian politics.
Supported by The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation