藝術家如何以身體作行動?如何保存行為藝術?將講求即場臨時的行為藝術收歸歷史又豈何容易?世界各地及亞洲的文獻專家及研究員,如著名的美國 Franklin Furnace Archive 創辦人及總監 Martha Wilson、英國 Live Art Archives的 Paul Clarke、印尼視藝文獻庫行政總監 Farah Wardani、研究中國行為藝術的湯偉峰、學者及行為藝術家 Ray Langenbach 及亞洲藝術文獻庫項目研究員魂游,將與致力推動亞洲行為藝術發展的日本國際行為藝術節NIPAF創辦人霜田誠二,及多位來自亞洲地區的參演藝術家暨藝術節 搞手聚首一堂,從研究、檔存及實踐中探討亞洲行為藝術何去何從。兩天圓桌交流 將由專門研究行為藝術的藝術史家 Debra Wacks 及既是策展人亦曾參與世界各地多個行為藝術節及展覽的高小蘭主持。


The Future of Performance Art in Asia (Morning Session)

Performance art festivals have been widespread throughout Asia since the 1990s. Borrowing from the model of the renowned Nippon International Performance Art Festival (NIPAF, established 1993), a range of festivals has emerges and there are more than 15 annual or biennial performance art festivals taking place in the region. Responding to the vast expansion of the performance art scene in Asia, the Action Script symposium addresses issues such as the festival as a vehicle for promoting the art form , the medium as a means of social and politcal intervention and community interaction, and the challenges ingerent in documenting and archiving this dynamic and ephemeral field, among other topics. Action Script has invited the artists/festival organisers to give presentaitons on the state of performance art in their countries and to look to the future of performance art in Asia in the next decade.


Future Performance Art in Myanmar
Aye Ko, New Zero Art Space, Myanmar

Say Goodbye to the Future, There is no Tomorrow
Lee Wen, artist, Singapore

Performance Art by All
Mok Chiu Yu, Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD) and Asian People's Theatre Festival Society, Hong Kong & Yuenjie, artists, Hong Kong

Know your Identity, Know your History, Know your Self. 
No Identity, No History, No Self
Yuan Mor'O Ocampo, Philippine International Performance Art Festival (PIPAF), Balay na Santiago Museum, Philippines

NIPAF, its Future
Seiji Shimoda, Nippon International Performance Art Festival, Thailand

As if Asia + Topia Was just a Thought
Chumpon Apisuk, Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival, Thailand

Why do we do Live Art in China?
Shu Yang, Dadao Live Art Foundation, mainland China

TIPAF as a Platform for Liberation of the Arts
Wang Molin, Body Phase Studio, Taiwan


Key topics for group discussions:

  • Guerrilla vs. Institution: strategies for promoting performance/live art practives 
  • Performance as Resistance or Reinforcement: the complexity of performance art in social activism
  • The Performace of Art: developing performance art as a professional art practice
  • Performance Art as a reflection of contemporary culture and social history
  • Festival Players: the limitation and diversity of performative practice


彳 亍 ── 亞洲行為藝術之實踐與檔存

彳 亍 ── 亞洲行為藝術之實踐與檔存

2010年10月21至25日 (星期四至一)

Action Script: Round-table Seminars
Action Script: Round-table Seminars

Action Script: Round-table Seminars

彳 亍:圓桌交流

Breaking Borders: Performance Art in Some Parts of Asia 2010
Breaking Borders: Performance Art in Some Parts of Asia 2010

Breaking Borders: Performance Art in Some Parts of Asia 2010